| Daily Edge | October 17, 2011 | | Google's response, or lack of one, to the engineer's manifesto published recently on Google+ says a lot about that company's culture. Steve Yegge published the 4,771-word rant to his Google+ profile, though he said it was intended for internal digestion only. Yegge called Google+ a "knee-jerk reaction," and said the company just doesn't "get" platforms. Yet Google remains the company that young professionals most want to work for. Read more > Get the Charting Your IT Career RSS Feed  | Stop Taking the Heat for Storage Growth: Save This, Not That Learn how to save all the data you may need — and none that you won't. Download Now > Blogs  | Infrastructure |  | Unfiltered Opinion |  | Data Security | Redefining Server Performance Benchmarks Check out this resource center to a high-performance, low-cost application solution for your data center needs. Go there now > | One myth that needs to be debunked is that all hackers are geniuses. If you think business continuity/disaster recovery (BC/DR) planning means there's no way around adding redundant physical servers to your back room, it may be time to reassess your strategy. To maintain control of a project, first break it down into manageable components. Here's how.
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