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Sunday, 29 December 2013

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part I: Pleiadian Healing Technologies

pleiades and stardust
Greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council.
We wish to speak to you of the Pleiadian Technologies, and high technologies of the other star nations in your universe, that we will be bringing to your societies after our Grand Reunion. These technologies are an incredibly advanced alternative to many of the ways that your society functions; which in many ways are archaic compared to the advanced higher dimensional technologies we use in our dimensions.
The first and most important technology which we will present to you is a healing chamber which the channel has experienced before in a meditation with us. We invite you to connect in with us of the Pleiadian Council at any time to experience this for yourselves. We are able to assist you to heal in one of these light chambers in your own home as we will bring the technology to you. Keep in mind this will take place initially with your light body and in meditation. The method to connect in with us is to first connect in with your higher self. This is done by closing your eyes, breathing deeply, and being in a quiet space, then saying in your mind “I connect with my Higher Self, please connect with me.” Your higher self is the part of your being that lives in the higher dimensions which is very close to the Creator Source of All. Your new multidimensional self is a new facet of yourself that is being created from the “merging” of your higher self with your lower self on earth. This, then, forms into your multidimensional being. This is the being that is a part of this ascension process that many of you are going through on earth at this time. So after connecting in with your higher self, it is always a good idea to also connect in with your Multidimensional self which you are in the process of creating in the NOW moment. To connect with your Multidimensional self is a similar process to connecting in with your higher self. You may get a vision of your Multidimensional self which lives outside of time, living in a new environment. The channel has a vision of this every time she connects in with her higher self she can see things from the viewpoint of her multidimensional self and she is then able to establish a connection between her current “lower self”, her “higher self” and this new Multidimensional Being that she is creating. You can visit with your multidimensional self at any time and you will find that this is quite beneficial to learning to live outside of time as this is the realm in which your multidimensional self lives, in the higher dimensions outside of time. It is a very freeing feeling to be living outside of time. We, The Pleiadians and all of the other higher dimensional star nations live outside of time as well. This is how we are able to see things that may not yet have occurred in your present “timeline”. We have access to all that is happening simultaneously. You, too, will be able to access this as you continue to grow into your multidimensional self.
So back to connecting with us to assist you in our healing chamber, after you have connected in with your higher self and your multidimensional self, you can then just relax into a space of light and then connect in with us. Or, you may wish to connect in with your original star family which you are all in the process of connecting into and becoming aware of now, as many of the other star nations have healing technology as well. But for now we will speak of connecting in with us if you feel drawn to our energy. To connect in with us, is the same process as connecting in with your higher self and multidimensional self, simply say “I connect with the Pleiadian Council, please connect with me.” We will then introduce ourselves, those of us who have chosen to show up at that moment for you. We speak from a collective because our higher dimensional societies have a certain protocol of Unity and Oneness in which we function together for the higher good of the whole, for the Good of All. This is why much of your earth world is so foreign to us, for those of us who have never incarnated there; because we cannot conceive of a society that does not function for the Good of All. Your earthen society is now in the process of moving towards this, and this process is accelerating rapidly as “time” goes on, because the higher frequencies around and within your earth continue to raise in octave levels to be a higher and higher frequency; this is why your bodies often feel like they are “humming” or you may hear a higher frequency sound that seems like it is a ringing in the ears but really it is just your minds bodies and souls connecting into and becoming more and more aware of this higher frequency vibration. It is also a sign that your mind, body and soul are raising in frequency which a large part of your ascension process; the council of angels have described it in the past as a “harmonizing with the higher dimensional frequencies” so this is a similar description.
So, then, after connecting in with us, you will meet those of us who choose to show up for this gathering and you may then ask that we assist you with healing a particular issue that you may have whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or any type of issue that needs to be healed. We will then bring our higher dimensional ships to you; into your etheric space so to speak (you will see us in your mind’s eye in this meditative state you are in but will most likely not “see” us with your physical eyes until your vibrations are raised to a much higher frequency and until first contact has been made with your societies.) Remember we have also spoken in the past of the method in which we communicate, is telepathy; so therefore this will be how we communicate with you during this meditative healing session. After connecting with us, being introduced to us, and then asking us for assistance with healing, you will then sense or see in your minds eye that we have come into your space. You will feel our unconditional love and harmony surrounding you, and may “see” our ship in a sort of translucent way integrating into the room you are in. We will then help you to “be” in our light chamber at which time you will feel a sense of loving, caring energy, golden light, and a deep sense of peace, calm and well-being. You may relax now into your healing session. You are in control of this experience. The only way we will come to assist you with this is if you ask, for we cannot and will not interfere with your free will at any time; and come only when asked. Keep in mind this is generally true on the larger scale of things as well, and our Grand Reunion will occur when enough of the earth’s population has asked for this Grand Reunion with your star families; you may connect in with your star families at any time and ask for this reunion to occur. Many of you are of Pleiadian origin, and many from other star nations. This has been written about elsewhere but we will expand upon this later. Suffice it to say that you will all be coming into a great awareness of your lives beyond this earth life and will begin to resonate with one or more of the many star nations surrounding your earth in ships at this time. Remember we are existing in the higher dimensions (5th and beyond) and therefore you cannot see the extraordinary number of ships which hover just outside, and many times inside, your earth’s atmosphere. Even Comet ISON is a great flotilla of ships attached to a large mothership; this mothership can change its appearance at any time, disappearing and reappearing at will. This we can do with all of our ships; they are controlled with our consciousness not with simple electronics; they are highly advanced craft which operate on some of our most advanced technologies.
So back to your meditative healing experience; we wish for you to take advantage of this free healing technology which we are now offering you to take part in during your meditations. We can heal you in the etheric realms oftentimes more easily than in your physical realms because many diseases start in the etheric body and trickle down from there. So relax into this beautiful light chamber of healing and enjoy your meditative healing experience in our advanced light chamber. Each person’s experience will be different but all are welcome to enjoy our higher dimensional healing technologies at any time. We are just a meditative moment away. Enjoy this beautiful light-filled and loving experience! You may wish to keep a journal of your higher self connections, meditations, messages, and of your healing journey and connections with us or with your star family. If you are unclear on your star family origins, begin to tune into your higher self on a frequent basis and begin a dialogue with your higher self. All of the answers are within you, you only have to simply tune into your higher self to receive them. All is Within and your connection to the Source of All, the Great Creator, is also within, for you are a spark or a part of this Source Creator and have all of the abilities of Source Creator, many of which you are unaware of. We will speak of this in a future message.
We of the Pleiadian Council will also be discussing many of our other higher dimensional technologies in our future messages to you. Until then, enjoy and have fun! Life in the higher dimensions is filled with joy, presence, awareness, and a lightness of being. Each person has the ability to tune into their higher self and the higher dimensions, and to establish and strengthen a communication with us, your star families, your higher self, your multidimensional self, and with the archangelic realm. We invite you to partake of all that is now readily available to you. Enjoy this beautiful light connection and we look forward to being with you on your higher dimensional journeys.
We are, the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council.
Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Twin Flames – Origin, Purpose and Relationships

Twin Flames are two halves of a single unit. We all have a Twin Flame.
God created us with the purpose that we would move away from the point of creation, to learn and grow and evolve into our divinity, returning to our point of origin as perfected Beings. At this initial point of creation each single consciousness (Monad) contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of the one reality. At the initial descent into third dimensional reality these two aspects of the one were divided and the Twin Flames were created. One the Alpha flame the other the Omega flame. Both Flames incarnate to lead separated lives, always aware, on some level, of a loss of an aspect of themselves.
Twin Flames do not normally incarnate together, except for a higher purpose. At this time, many evolved Twin Flames are incarnating to assist in the raising of consciousness of humanity. Usually when one Flame incarnates the other is out of form, preferring to energetically support their incarnating twin.
When Twin flames do incarnate together the coming together is often chaotic and stressful, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Their relationship is very intense. The romantic loving version we all think of is really for Twin Souls. Twin Flames come together as two mirrors. They are there to reflect back each other's imperfections, for the ultimate goal of the Twin Flames is total union once more. To achieve this, total balance is needed by both of them on all levels. It is found that those areas, in which they both have harmony, are the areas they no longer need to work on.
Twin flames also have many differences, these may be age, sex (same sex is possible), geographic locations, morals, beliefs, race, income brackets. They incarnate specifically to be the facilitator of the others growth and ascension. And yet the bond is such that being together is like coming home. The attraction is strong on every level, and spiritually they know they are one. This knowingness helps them over many of the hurdles, mostly created by pre-conditioning, beliefs and personality.
As the Twins become more into balance and their service here on the planet becomes more into their awareness they spiritually grow at a faster rate than when they were apart. They find their spiritual gifts are fine tuned. Each often possessing a gift the other does not. They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and stresses. Being apart is like functioning at a reduced level. Together, they become balanced and more of who they are, just by being in each other's energy.
When Twin Flames reunite in physical form an awakening occurs of a very special kind – an awakening that can only occur when Twin Flames energetically connect in the 3rd dimension. The flame of the alpha twin and the flame of the omega twin are ignited. Until this re-union, the flame has laid dormant. From this ignition comes a coil of gold light up their spine, some may call it a serpent. In reality it is the awakening of the oneness they once shared and is their Christ Lights / Monads / I am presence, awakened in recognition. As they grow closer in their connection on all levels these coils entwine to form a caduceus – a union of the two Christ Lights, the two flames becoming one. As they come more into balance with each other the caduceus coils meld more and more into one another until there is no visible differentiation between them. They have transmuted all the imbalances that kept them apart, and have stepped onto the path of the Alpha and Omega, the journey home as a two parts of the one whole reunited in service.
The re-union of the flames creates the deepest of connections for these two people. 

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